Internet tidak stabil dan sering DC?atau tiba2 jadi DC gara2 ditinggal keluar selama beberapa menit?yap,pasti tiap orang pernah ngalamin yg kaya gini dan tentunya merasa kesal.
Disini saya akan share beberapa tool yg berfungsi mencegah dari yg namanya DC atau disconection atau "tiba-tiba gak konek"1. StayAlive
StayAlive Pro is 32-bit win95/98/NT/2000/XP program that simulates Internet activity so you don't get disconnected from your ISP. TS Note :also work in windows 7
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2. Anti Idle
AntiIdle is a hassle free utility that will sit in your task bar tray and keep you connected to your internet provider. No matter how long you stay on, AntiIdle will prevent your internet service from timing you out due to inactivity. This is great if you''re chating, reading or watching TV and don''t want to sit on top of your computer every 15 minutes to do something if you want to stay on. AntiIdle supports windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP. TS Note :also work in windows 7
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3. Rascal Pro
Rascal Pro is a user session administrator for those who need security when connecting to the Internet. It watches the telephone connection status to assure you that you won+t lose it.This small Rascal Pro application sends a series of small packets to the network, simulating any type of movement on the connection, to trick the ISP (Internet Service Provider) inactivity detectors, and keeps your line active. If for any reason you lose your connection, Rascal Pro will try and re-establish it. Also, you can configure it to advise you with a sound alert in the event that this happens.For more expert users, Rascal Pro saves all the information referring to your line connection, like the server name, the IP address of the connection, monthly cost calculation, connection time, etc. TS Note :also work in windows 7
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